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2021-08-27 16:44:28 编辑:无 浏览:(1076次)


1. Some people prefer to buy high-tech products as soon as they are introduced to the market, while others prefer to wait for some time to get them. Which do you prefer?


I prefer to buy my high-tech products long after they’re first introduced for the following reasons. First, products like cellphones and computers are usually very expensive when they are first introduced to the market. When iPhone first came out, the price was really high. But it was only about three months later that Apple cut the price by $200. Not buying these products too soon can save us lots of money. Second, the first batch of products can be flawed. It’s wise to wait for reviews to come out, so we can find out if they work as advertised. If there are problems, companies will iron out these glitches and make them better pretty quickly.


2. Some students like to attend big clasees that have a lot of people studying together, while others like to attend small classes with limited numbers of students. Which do you prefer and why?


I personally prefer to study in a smaller class for the following reasons. First, I can get more attention from the teacher in a small class. It’s easier to interact with the teacher when I have questions. I’ll just raise my hand and ask that question. But in a big class, I’ll have to ask until the class is over. Second, in a smaller class, students can have more in- class discussions with people they are familiar with, which is one of the best ways of learning. During the discussion, we can exchange ideas and opinions, after which we can have a better understanding of the knowledge. So we can also learn more from a smaller class.


3. Some people prefer to work at a small company or organization with only a few coworkers. Others prefer to work at a large company on organization where there are thousands of employees. Which would you prefer? Explain why.


4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is important to allow children to ues computers and other electronic devieces as early as possible. Use detalisl and examples to explain your opinion.


5. Some people like to listen to music on headphones while they go from one place to another. Others prefer going from place to place in silence. Which do you prefer? Explain why. 


6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic of a successful school is having teachers with many years of teaching experience.


7. Which do you prefer:a leader who makes quick decisions without consulting others or a leader who asks for the opinions of other group members before making a decision?


8. Some people prefer a job which deals with the same task routinely, while others prefer a job that deals with many different tasks. Which do you prefer and why?


9.Some university students believe that they should participate in projects that help the local community. Other students think it is better to focus only on their schoolwork. Which view do you agree with? Explain why using specific examples and details.


10. Some people prefer to have friends who are almost all the same age as they are. Other people prefer to have friends of different age. Which do you prefer? Explain why.









1.难题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technologies that are supposed to make our lives easier often turn out to make them more complicated.


2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is much easier for parents to raise children today than it was 50 years ago.


3.难题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, young people (ages 12-18) behave badly (for example, by being Impolite or unkind) more often than young people did fifty years ago.


4.难题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has a greater effect on your overall happiness than your social life does.


5.难题:Some people believe that there are so many different news stories about current events nowadays that it is helpful to take a break from reading or listening to the news. As a result, they stop reading or listening to the news for days or weeks at a time. In your view, is it beneficial to stop reading or listening to the news for a period of a few days or weeks? Why or why not?


6.难题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All scientific discoveries should be shared among scientists all around the world; governments and businesses should not keep any discoveries secret.


7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.


8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a country.


9.难题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television shows should always show that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.


10.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for a company to succeed is to invest a lot of money in advertising.


11.难题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Patience is usually not a good thing and we need to take action at once.


12.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Requiring students to have discussions in class is a waste of time.


变体1:Do you agree or disagree with the following view? In many places, it has been typical for teachers of high school students (ages 14-18) to lecture or lead a discussion while the students listen and take notes for most of the school day. However, this is not an effective way to prepare students for careers in the modern workplace. A better way to do that is for teachers to spend most of the school day on student-led discussions (in which students frequently present their ideas and discuss them with the class) and project-based activities (in which students do their own research and work together while the teacher is available to help them as needed).


变体2 :Teachers of young children at a primary school are considering making one major change to better support the educational and social development of their students (aged 6-10), which one of the following changes do you think is the most important for the teachers to make and why?


-Encouraging students to ask questions in class more frequently than they do now

-Having students work together in pairs or small groups more frequently than they do now

-Meeting with each student's parents more frequently than they do now


变体3 :Some people like to attend small size classes with fewer students so that the professors can pay more attention to each individual, while others like to attend big lecture classes in which there are more students. What kind of class do you prefer and why?


13.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, language and history.


变体1: Recently, some primary, middle, and high schools (students aged 6-18) have reduced the number of attendance days from five to four days a week. However, students spend 90 more minutes in school each day. In your view, is it beneficial or harmful to reduce the number of school days per week while extending the number of hours attended per day?


变体2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? At university, students get as much benefit from participating in student organization or club activities as they do from their academic studies.


变体3: Many people believe that a university education should focus less on teaching academic courses and more on a practical, job specific course of study. Which ONE of the following approaches would best help universities to achieve this goal? Why?


-Universities should require each student to complete an internship (training) program in his or her chosen field to develop the skills needed in the workplace.

-Universities should only offer majors or specializations for which there is a known current or projected need in the market.


14.难题:You may choose between two professors who will be teaching a course that you must take at your university. If the following statements are the only information available to you about the differences between the two professors, which professor would. you choose? Why?

-One professor was voted most popular in a survey of students about their teachers.

-One professor has just been given an award for outstanding research.


15.Sometimes you are required to meet with another person to provide feedback about that person's work (for example, when you must give your opinion about a classmate's work on an assignment or your thoughts about a coworker's contributions to a project). When you have both positive and negative feedback to give about a person's work, do you believe it is more effective to give the positive comments first or the negative comments first? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


16.A friend of yours needs extra help with schoolwork. You have good knowledge of the subject that your friend needs help with. Is it better for your friend to get help from you or from a professional tutor?


变体:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The reading that a student does on his or her own is as important as, or more important than, the reading that a student does because it is assigned by teachers.


17.简单题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Work at a place where people all have the same fixed schedule is better than working at a place where people are allowed to choose their own schedules.


18.简单题:In areas where there are many restaurants, some people prefer to buy their meals in restaurants very frequently rather than cooking and eating meals at home. Other people prefer to cook most of their meals at home and eat in restaurants only rarely. Which would be your preference, and why?


19.曾经推送过范文:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to have rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to wear to work and school.


20.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how well their students perform.


21.Nowadays, some universities realize that not all their new students have adequate learning skills, so they require every freshman to attend a course before the semester begins to develop skills that will needed in college (how to use the library, the computer lab, and how to have class discussions...). Some believe that such a requirement is necessary, while others feel it is unnecessary to require everyone to attend such a course. What is your opinion and why?


22.难题:At one high school, more of its students than ever before have been caught cheating on their homework assignments. For example, many students have asked other students to provide them with answers for assignments. The school is considering making a change to help decrease the number of students who cheat on homework. Which ONE of the following actions do you think will be most effective, and why?

-Asking parents to monitor their children as they do their homework and confirm that their children have not cheated

-Increasing the penalty (punishment) for cheating

-Asking teachers to create homework assignments that will make it more difficult for students to cheat



23.If you want to find a job in a field that interests you, which of the following ways do you think would be the most helpful for you to find a job successfully?

-To ask your friends in person if they could give you some job openings

-To look for job advertisements by companies through social media such as

websites, newspapers and publications

-To send an E-mail to a company you like to express your interest in joining them


24.难题:Some universities have student leaders who are chosen by other students to perform important duties at the school (for example, meeting with school administrators to discuss problems at the school). If your university required you to choose student leaders, which ONE of the following do you believe is the best way for you to inform yourself about whom to choose?

-Reading articles in the school newspaper about the views of each person who wants to be a student leader

-Listening to what each person who wants to be a student leader says about important issues (for example, in speeches or interviews)

-Getting recommendations from the teachers of each person who wants to be a student leader



25.难题:You are thinking of making a major purchase (for example, buying a car or a computer). Which of the following would most influence your decision?

-Recommendations from friends or colleagues

-Information from the media (for example, TV, newspapers, or magazines)

-Recommendations from a salesperson in a store

-Your own judgment, with little or no influence from other sources


26.难题:Many people feel homesick (have minor feelings of sadness because they are missing their home) when they travel to a new place. Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel to a new place and stay in that community for several months. If you felt homesick, which ONE of the following do you believe would be most useful In helping you feel less sad about missing your home? Why?

-Doing activities or eating foods that remind you of home

-Maintaining contact with people from home

-Trying activities or foods that are special to your now community

-Making friends in your new community